
The summer heat is no joke in the Philippines! Aside from homes and commercial establishments, many schools lack air conditioning. It can be a challenge for students to keep cool during the scorching summer months. The arrival of the newest Haier aircon, UV Cool Connect Pro, couldn’t be more timely!

This powerful Split Type Inverter UV Cool Connect Pro air conditioner can create a comfortable learning environment, allowing students to focus on their studies without battling the heat.

Here’s what makes it awesome:

Haier Aircon Smart Features for Effortless Cooling

Imagine controlling your Haier aircon from anywhere using your phone! No more scrambling for the remote when you’re feeling comfy on the bed. With the UV Cool Connect Pro’s Wi-Fi connectivity, you can adjust the temperature and settings from the comfort of your couch, bedroom, or even when you’re just about to get home.

Haier UV Cool Connect Pro also prioritizes your health with its built-in UV lights. It can kill germs and viruses, keeping your air fresh and healthy. And aside from being kind to your wallet, this Haier aircon is also kind to the environment! The UV Cool Connect Pro uses 63% less energy than older models. This means extra savings on your electricity bill while also reducing your carbon footprint.

For effortless aircon maintenance, you can enjoy its self-cleaning function that automatically removes dust and dirt buildup within the unit. This not only ensures peak performance but also extends the lifespan of your air conditioner. It basically cleans itself—that’s less hassle for you!

Haier UV Cool Connect Pro: High Quality Aircon You Can Afford

With all its smart features, Haier is so confident in the quality and durability of its UV Cool Connect Pro. They back this up by offering extended warranties on parts and labor, including a 10-year warranty on the compressor, demonstrating their commitment to long-lasting performance.

And for all its features that enhance comfort, health, and energy savings, the UV Cool Connect Pro starts at just Php39,495! This summer, breathe easy and stay comfortable with Haier!